Wednesday, May 09, 2007

How milk causes acne

For decades scientists have searched for the causes of acne. Now a study has identified one of the key triggers: milk. Sanjida O'Connell finds out how a pinta causes pimples.

(Published: 08 May 2007, in The Independent newspaper, USA. )
Julianne never suffered from spots as a teenager, but by the time she was 28 she had terrible cystic acne along her jawline and across her neck. An American, she had travelled to Europe to learn to become a cook and a sommelier.

She decided to open a deli as well as a restaurant back in the States, so before she returned home she toured Europe, sampling every cheese she could find. As she recounted her story to the dermatologist Bill Danby, something clicked: "Oh my God, it's the cheese," she said. For six months, she cut out all dairy products. During that time she became 85 per cent free of acne, and her skin has continued to improve.

Milk has been anecdotally linked to acne for almost a century but, so far, few scientists have agreed on the real cause of acne and even fewer believe that diet plays a major role. Danby, who runs a private practice in Manchester, New Hampshire, and also works at Dartmouth Medical School, believes that milk does indeed cause acne - and that he knows what the mechanism could be.

Acne can affect anyone at any age, but it usually peaks at between 16 and 18, when up to 98 per cent of the population of Western countries is affected. A link between diet and acne has been suggested because acne is less common in other countries but increases when a Western diet is adopted. As well as being socially excruciating, acne is costly - £2bn is spent each year treating it.

Danby, who has long held that there is a link between diet and acne, persuaded Dr Walter Willett and his colleagues at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston to look into the matter. The team studied more than 47,000 women who are part of a research project called the Nurses Health Study II.

The women were asked to complete questionnaires relating to their diet as teenagers and to say whether they had ever been diagnosed with severe acne. The study found no link between food such as chocolate and chips and acne, but found one between women who had acne and those who had drunk a lot of milk.

But why should milk, such an essential bone-building nutrient, be bad for our skin? Willett believes it's because of the hormones in the milk, and Danby has taken this argument a step further. What most dermatologists usually agree on is that the male hormone testosterone (also found in women), changes to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the sebaceous glands, the oil-producing glands in the skin. Acne is produced when the hormone causes too many of the cells that line the duct of the gland to be produced too quickly. Unable to separate from each other, they stick together and form a plug in the pore - the first visible sign of acne.

Of course, everyone will respond differently to hormones. As Danby says: "The ability to develop acne is partly genetic and partly the result of hormone exposure. I tell my female patients that genetics are the key to the fact that Paris Hilton has lots of money and no zits and my patients have lots of zits and no money. It is all genetics."

The milk most of us drink is produced by cows for their calves. To ensure maximum milk yields cows are inseminated days after giving birth to their calves, which are taken away. A dairy cow will spend most of its life being milked and being pregnant at the same time.

So milk is full of hormones: not only ones intended to help the calf grow, but also those produced by the placenta to aid the cow's pregnancy. They include DHT, and other hormones that are the pre-cursors to DHT. In other words, the hormones teenagers naturally produce are plentiful in milk. It of course contains other growth-enhancing hormones too - as Danby says: "Milk is, after all, specifically designed to make things grow."

Another worrying hormone, as far as acne is concerned, is IGF-1. This "growth factor" peaks at age 15 in girls and 18 in boys, coinciding with peak acne levels. IGF-1 is thought to works with testosterone and DHT to cause acne. IGF-1 is present in cows' milk anyway, but levels rise by 10 per cent when cows are given injections of recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) to increase milk yield. Drinking organic milk is not a solution because the cows are still pregnant while lactating, so they have the same hormones in their milk as non-organic cows.

Danby's solution is to eliminate dairy from the diet - after all, he says, the Perricone diet is practically dairy-free. Nicholas Perricone, an American dermatologist who has launched a range of skin products, has also developed a skin-food diet based on eating large amounts of wild salmon.

For more information about how dairy milk causes acne go to:


guillejr said...

I totally believe this article. I began getting acne in college through the age of 26. I tried everything (doryx, proavtiv, etc.) - then I came accross a similar article and i tried it, eliminated all dairy from my diet. Today i am 27 and 100% free of acne. I take no medication only use a daily face wash. Everyone's body reacts differently to food, this solution for acne is not for everyone. My body just does not like MILK.

Anonymous said...

I started to break out about a month ago along my jaw line... Wondered what it could be and then it hit me! I drank soy milk before and only switched to dairy milk a month ago. I'm a believer!

Anonymous said...

This is true. I stopped eating dairy about a month ago because my acne was very baf and I have only gotten one pimple this month (that was during my period). iused to eat a lot of cereal with milk, and a yogurt every day. Now I am starting to think that dairy is the cause of many health problems in the US including too many women being apple shaped. Does anyone agree?

Anonymous said...

Definitely, any time I have milk products, I break out like crazy. Stopping milk has basically stopped the acne. I just get a couple around my periods

Anonymous said...

i had severe cystic acne for 12 years but for the last year and a half my acne has gone. Ok i get the odd little spot but nothing to what i had. It all started when my acne was starting to get worse and i read that dairy can trigger acne. I decided to eliminate it and within 2 months i was clear. I am convinced dairy is a huge trigger as i tried milk for one day a few weeks ago and without a doubt i broke out horribly. My sister has found the same. The only worry i have is how to ensure good calcium absorption as ive read that dairy is the most easily absorbed form of calcium. Any ideas?

Anonymous said...

Calcium can be found in many non-dairy foods & with a well balanced diet you should be able to get all the necessary calcium your body requires. Follow this link for a list of non-dairy calcium rich foods:
There is also supplements you could take.

Anonymous said...

Very Interesting. I should try dairy-free for a couple of days (or weeks) and see what happens!

Anonymous said...

yeah this is very true MILK CAUSE ACNE!! My doctor told me to stop drinking milk and having dairy products for JUST 1 week and now 0 pimples and im 17 male ;)Soy milk is pretty much just as good n gives no pimps

Cecmo said...

Thank you for posting This! Thank you very much, i just went to the gym today and had a Nourishment( A milk drink) after to replenish my body. By evening i could feel new csyts developing in my face. I was acne free on antibiotic and suddely started getting this new form of acne when i started "eating healthy" and healthy included milk and yoghurt. The logic behind this is so clear i'm gonna stop all and i mean ALL forms of dairy for a week and report back

Anonymous said...

For me, this is 100% true. No doubt about it. I figured this out about a year ago after noticing the correlation between yogurt ice cream, iced coffee and tons of cystolic zits on my chin. They were horrible. I decided to elminate all dairy and all the zits went away. Once the acne gets very bad it's best to drink tons of water and lay off dairy and sugar until things clear. I'm acne free except for those times when I cannot help recently so now I do have a couple of zits on the chin. Next time, and I've learned that a better bet is the coconut milk ice cream. It's awesome. I can have my chocolate ice cream and dark chocolate and I'm fine. One glass of milk or dairy and the skin is toast.

Mat said...

I'm hoping this works for me, at 20 years old and still experiencing cystic acne, I'm getting desperate. I've tried pretty much everything, and I do mean just about everything. Proactive, Accutane, acid peels, the list goes on and on. If this works for me, I will report back to this site, and also try to get word out of this dairy/acne connection!

Anonymous said...

I will definatly try cutting dairy from my diet, I have had acne in varying degrees for the past 10 years (from age 16) and i've always drunk a LOT of milk. definatly worth a shot. Mind you, as I write this i'm eating a cheese sandwich!!

Shazo said...

This article is true.I agree im a seventeen year old male and i have stoped drinking milk and other diary products my skin has cleared im just left with one big puss pimple on my nose and marks from my previous acne....its hard staying away from diary but i have to....any body know different foods high in calcium???...i use soya milk instead of cow milk...

Anonymous said...

I agree... I tied proactive and alot of other products that just dried the skin and had no significant effect. I read online about various food that may trigger acne and systematically eliminated them from my diet for periods of time. When i stopped eating dairy the little white heads that plagued my mouth and chin area disappeared almost completly. I did an experiment when I had almost ZERO pimples on my face where i ate some sugary donuts and drank a few glasses of milk in one day. 2 or 3 days later the little milky looking white head pimples were back on my chin and under the lips. Im guessing its hormones.......

On a side note...I still get black heads and occasionaly pimples as well as cyctic acne on my back(no more on the face and neck since i stopped drinking milk) Im thinking that large amounts of sugars and/or caffeine may contribute to acne as well in certain people. Im now going to stop drinking pop and drink water and eat more fruits instead of sweets. If it make a considerable difference Ill post again with the results.

Anonymous said...

Just came across this blog and had to give it a read. Im totally 100% agreeing with anyone who says diet is connected to acne. About 6 months ago i started a diet which was pretty much cut out all refined foods I.E cakes, biscuits,cereals and then cutting out white rice, white pasta, white potatoes, white bread. Basically things that will spike my blood sugar levels or are bad for my health. After 3 months of this diet consisting of plenty of fish, salmon, mackeral, unlimited fruit and veg, beans(not baked beans they contain to much sugar)i noticed my acne had nearly completely cleared up. I had very little inflammation left around my neck and chin. I was also making sure i get more sleep, more exercise, about 20mins of sunshine without putting lotion on my skin, enough time in the sun not to burn myself but help clear the acne. I also use dermalogica which i believe is the best skin care system created. 6 months on from this diet, am i clear? no but does my skin glow? YES and is my skin as oily as it was? no. Do people compliment my skin, yes all the time. I have little inflammation on my skin. Ive just turned 21 so its been hard for me lately to stick to this healthy diet. Ive had junk after junk and i must say the day after i ate all the junk food on my bday i felt rubbish, i realised i dont miss junk food at all. I have noticed that after eating chocolate cream cake with double cream that i got extra spots and inflammation on my face so im going to go 1 month without dairy in my diet to see what happens. Maybe the only reason when i was 3months into the diet my skin didnt clear up was because i was still eating dairy through having natural yogurt... If your interested in this have a look at the clear skin diet book which has great info in there. The diet makes you feel great and have tons of energy.
Im getting about 15 of my 5 a day each day through smoothies on the morning, some veg with every meal. I have cut out cereals because they contain far to much sugar. The only cereal i have is oatmeal/porridge or shreaded wheat because thats just 100% wholewheat
go for things high in fibre, make sure you get your 26grams of fibre each day. Flaxseed is very helpful in helping you achieve that, i just mix it in my oatmeal. Fruits and veg contain loads of fibre. Oh yeah also last thing i sent away my hair strands to a website and after 1 week they sent me my results back. I had an intolerance to butter fat, cows milk whey, cheddar cheese and corn aswel as more but those been the most noticeable ones. So il test dairy free diet for a month and see how it goes.

Anonymous said...

Not just acne, also rosacea. I had horrible cystic acne as a teen, it gradually got better as I drank less and less milk but I still had a lot of acne and rosacea symptoms started in my thirties. I went to a "healthy" diet to combat it which included yogurt for breakfast every day- my skin got so bad my face hurt all over. I was on 2 or 3 different medications for it. I went completely vegan 2 years ago at age 42. Within a month, all acne and most rosacea was gone. Now I'm completely symptom free. And I don't have bad breath anymore either.

Anonymous said...

im 26 now and been suffering from acne since i was 18 ! its awful my face is all scarred from picking them when i was younger and i still have cystic acne as well as the scars right now i have around 10 on my face and my back ! ive never thought that it could be caused by foods before i drink so much milk and eat cheese everyday ! im gonna try this cutting out dairy i really hope this works ! i will report back , thanks for the idea

Anonymous said...

This is soooo true!! I've had acne for 5 years. I just found out that milk causes acne, and so, I stopped drinking milk few months ago. I's true enough that I am acne free. Last week, I drank milk and now I have 2 cystic acne. Milk does cause acne.

Anonymous said...

I have had acne on my face, back, and chest since I was 12 years old, and I am now 21 and it showed no signs of leaving. I was getting extremely depressed at the thought of me dealing with this forever. I got into body building, and was drinking about 2-3 litres of milk a day, plus lots of cheese and yogurt. My back was completely COVERED and it looked horrible. However, i came across this tip, and I completely cut out dairy and switched to soy milk. I`m about 2 weeks in, and about 90% of my acne is GONE. My back and chest looks great! A few still on my chin but nothing serious. This is so amazing, it really was the cause all of these years. If anyone hasn`t tried this, I urge you too. Another quick tip: If you tan, do NOT use any tanning oil. It caused me to break out even worse.

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Anonymous said...

This is the best article that explains milk being the culprit. I had once found a case about acne and milk and this guy was eating a pint of ice cream everyday for years but always had acne on back and shoulders so that's when I stopped using milk and my acne on my shoulders and back cleared up. I always had milk in my diet because of trying to bulk up while weight training so I would eat yogurt, ice cream, pizza add milk to protein shakes and milk shakes. The acne got bad and I never wanted to take off my shirt because of acne on the shoulders and back. I switched to rice milk and eat ice cream very seldom and for any acne scars I rubbed the Aloe Vera leaves day and night where ever there was acne and that made them almost disappear.

Anonymous said...

I found your site on search engine about acne. This is a great information for me, Thanks for sharing.

How To Get Rid of Back Acne

Anonymous said...

Hey, am a med student and want to be a dermatologist. Finally realised this morning that there is a link between dairy and acne. Have been on roaccutane and it helped massively but came home for Easter hols and got a massive breakout, which seems to happen each time I come home (and eat loads of cheese, yoghurt and drink loads of milk). Always wondered why my skin is much clearer when I'm travelling and it must be because I don't tend to eat dairy... Am going to try cutting out all milk, cheese and yoghurt and see if it proves the theory... Thank you for this useful article, can't believe more dermatologists don't realise this, although obv can't be the cause in everyone...

Anonymous said...

This is completely true, I have always been a HUGE milk drinker i used to drink about 4-8 glasses a day, i thought milk was the best thing. but since i was about 12 ive had acne and within the past 2 years it has developed on my chest and back. The ones on my face would get inflamed and bleed for no reason. My doctor prescribed me a cream i have been using for 9 months and it helped with clearing my face and chest (no more painful zits) but on my back was atrocious. I could barely find any help and believe me i tried EVERYTHING. I would just get red spots all over my back, and they would leave bad scars. Prom is coming and I want clear skin so I switched to drinking water only and barely changed my diet (ill admit ill have a little snack of cookies now and then) I have been milk free for 2 weeks and my entire back is now healing and I haven't broken out at all! I am so amazed every morning i woudl wake up to atrocious red spots that hurt so bad. Now every single one of them are healing. when acne won't go away with topical products, that means there is something wrong internally.try it, believe me everything has now changed for me, i'm so happy now and giving up milk wasn't hard at all! Please i advise anyone who is fed up to just try drinking only water and switch to a little healthier diet, you will see IMMEADIATLEY what a difference it makes

Russell Eaton said...

It's only dairy milk that contributes to acne. Non-dairy milk is fine to drink. I have put together the world's best collection of non-dairy millk recipes which are quick and easy to make, in just seconds. All these non-dairy milk recipes can be found in the book The Foolproof Diet (please see Thanks for all the good comments folks, please keep them coming.
Russell Eaton, moderator

Anonymous said...

I somewhat agree with this research. I was consuming a lot of chease when I was nursing. By the time I had very bad acne on my chicks and jaw line. After cutting milky products for about just a week (because my son has developed milk alergy) I realised an improvement on my skin. I did not take it seriously as nursing mums can have a lot of hormonal issues. After reading this research, I'm now convinced that what I was thinking about milky foods and my acne was not just a personal observation. From now on, to combat my acne, I will certainly leave milky things. I'll update soon after the dietary change...

Anonymous said...

what about yogurt? is it ok to eat yogurt? i luv yogurt!!

i agree with you guys about milk though. my skin was great till a mth ago when my favorite cereal honey bunches of oats w/ almonds lured me to buy milk. last mth, i've been breakg out like mad. i chgd my skin care regiment but it hasn't changed. now reading this i know its the damn milk!

Russell Eaton said...

Thanks for your comment. Dairy yogurt is in fact worse than milk when it comes to preventing acne. think of yogurt as a concentrated form of milk. Yogurt is higher than regular milk in casein, galactose, and IGF-1. These three things are harmful to good health, each in their own ways. For full details about this see
All the best,
Russell Eaton

Anonymous said...

Omg...this article was so helpful. I recently cut out dairy and noticed a great improvement in my skin. I switched to soy and goat's mill and its made a huge difference. On the week-end I had coffee with cream twice and boom...ugly zits especially around the jawline area.

Anonymous said...

Can i eat a slab of choclate? How much milk does a slab of choclate have and what about a lil milk on coffee or tea

Anonymous said...

So crazy! I have suffered from acne since I was 11! I am now 33 and think I finally figured it out! I was working a ton of hours at work and was eating really bad (Taco Bell, etc.) and my skin was amazingly clear. It suddenly slowed down at work and I had time to get groceries, including my favorite beverage - milk! It had probably been a couple months since I had even drank it, so I went through it pretty quick. Soon after, I developed the most gigantic craters on my chin and forehead. It finally hit me - what have a changed in my diet - MILK!!!! So, I just found this article and truly believe it is true! I've always been a huge milk drinker (we used to go through a ton when I was young) and used to brag about how it has helped give me strong teeth, etc. I think I'll have to make the switch to try to drink some alternatives (soy) and see if I can give it up - dude, I'm addicted - but it will be worth it if I can have clear skin! If only I could have avoided years of dermatologist visits, pain, embarrassment, scars, etc. etc.!

Anonymous said...

I think I believe this article. I started drinking dairy milk a few weeks ago (i have previously been drinking almond or soy milk), and i've been getting small pimples on my face almost every day since!! I'm hoping that this will stop once I cut out dairy- I'll cross my fingers!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have tried everything for my skin! Antibiotics proactive and even the pill! Im gonna try eliminating dairy and see if it works.

Anonymous said...

I have tried everything for my skin! Antibiotics proactive and even the pill! Im gonna try eliminating dairy and see if it works.

Shazo said...

I stop milk complettly l ast year it went away but not fully.... And started to cum back now so now im using acnetane (isotretion) on my last month now

peteziola said...

I hope your all correct! i have always had spots but over last two months they have signifcantly gotten worse. I have been having protien shakes and having at least a litre of milk a day with them...

im going to cut all dairy out for a few weeks and see if this works!

Anonymous said...

Tropicana, Minute Maid, and Florida Natural's all have have orange juice products that have calcium and vit d combo in them. So you don't need the milk, but if you want milk, almond milk is the one you want to drink. Blue Diamond and Silk have almond milk in the stores

Russell Eaton said...

Yes, almond milk is a good choice. Avoid soy milk at all costs, it is truly bad for health because it messes up the hormonal balance in your body causing all sorts of problems (see www.the-foolproof-diet for more info on this). Another good milk altrenative is 'coconut milk substitute' which is sold in cartons just like soy and almond milk. Do not confuse this with canned "coconut milk" which is a thick creamy coconut extract. I use a coconut milk substitue brand called "Kara" which is great.
Keep well,
Russell Eaton

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Foods that are very high in fat, beverages and sweets with a high amount of caffeine, dairy, and, yes, sugar cause acne.

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Anonymous said...

Cutting dairy out of my diet has helped my skin tremendously! I have adult hormonal acne. I cut dairy out of my diet 4 months ago and I kid you not, every single time that I "cheat" and eat just one meal containing cheese or other dairy products, I will break out like CRAZY for the next few days. Then, I'll continue not eating dairy and my skin will clear up. I still get a few small zits even when I don't eat dairy, but dairy makes it 10x worse every time! I'm definitely going to stop cheating now that I know that I can't get away with even eating it once.

Unknown said...

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Lisa said...

I have been off dairy since May 2012 and my skin has never been clearer. The only time I get pimples now is when I've been eating a lot of refined sugars over many weeks, for example, last holiday period between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I had a very stubborn case that was not resolved with anything until I tried removing dairy. Even now, if I'm pigging out on sugar, I still won't get painful bumps along my jaw like I used to, and having any kind of red inflamed zit is pretty much unheard of. I have never been more comfortable with my appearance in my life! Getting off dairy works, but you have to eliminate it completely, and you have to realize that cheese, the hardest thing to give up, is the absolute worst type of dairy you can consume, because it is actually milk, concentrated, so you are getting higher amount of hormones with each serving. I know a lot of people don't want to get off dairy because they want their cheese and ice cream, but if you are having acne and consume these foods, this is probably what's causing your acne, and your choices are to either be clear or enjoy your dairy. You won't be able to have it both ways! Good luck to all!

Anonymous said...

Not only and my hubby was suffering from bad acne,dandruff,under eye dark circles .... For me avoiding dairy products solved many health related we don't have any issues..

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